Malnutrition in India


Here is how Total Parenteral Nutrition may help prevent malnutrition in India.

It's Time for India to Get Serious about Nutrition

India is one of the most populous countries in the world, but it still has a long way to go when it comes to nutrition. India's nutrition is so bad that many children are malnourished and suffer from stunted growth and other health problems. India has a long history of malnutrition, but in recent years there has been a shift towards a more Westernized diet which has led to an increase in chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer. This is why it's time for India to get serious about its nutrition.

The Indian government recently released their first National Nutrition Policy which will put an emphasis on balanced diets, healthy eating habits and an increased focus on physical activity. India is one of the most populous countries in the world. Still, it has a long way to go when it comes to nutrition. India's malnutrition is so bad that many children are malnourished and suffer from stunted growth and other health problems.

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